Abstract's details

DORIS Network 2018 Status Report

Jérôme Saunier (IGN, France)

Event: 2018 IDS Workshop

Session: SESSION I: DORIS network and constellation: status and evolution

Presentation type: Oral

The ground stations network is the heart of the DORIS system. We review its overall performance after more than 25 years serving the Earth observation satellites. We make a status report on the current level of service of the nearly sixty ground stations very well distributed throughout the globe and the ability of the network to meet the oceanography and geodesy needs.
We provide comparative data to assess the progress made in terms of infrastructure, equipment, reliability and co-location with other techniques that contributes to the continuous network improvement.
We detail the main network events and evolution over the last two years (since the last workshop).
Finally, we give information on the outlook for the coming years regarding the network evolution and the challenges despite a more difficult context.

Corresponding author:

Jérôme Saunier




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