Abstract's details

Status of SLR and DORIS data processing of Jason satellites at DGFI-TUM

Sergei Rudenko (DGFI-TUM, Germany)

Mathis Bloßfeld (DGFI-TUM, Germany); Denise Dettmering (DGFI-TUM, Germany); Frank G. Lemoine (NASA GSFC, USA)

Event: 2018 IDS Workshop

Session: SESSION III: Precise Orbit Determination

Presentation type: Oral

Until recently, it has been possible to process SLR observations of geodetic satellites using “DGFI Orbit and Geodetic parameter estimation Software (DOGS)”. In 2018, DORIS data processing was additionally implemented in DOGS. A short description of DOGS will be given. Status of SLR and DORIS data processing of Jason satellites for precise orbit determination at DGFI-TUM will be presented. Quality of processing SLR-only, DORIS-only and SLR+DORIS orbits and some results of validation will be discussed. An outlook of further possible improvements will be given.

Contribution: IDS18_s3_Rudenko_JasonsSLRandDORISprocessingAtDGFI.pdf (pdf, 2198 ko)

Corresponding author:

Sergei Rudenko




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