Abstract's details
About the DORIS station in Ponta Delgada
Event: 2018 IDS Workshop
Session: SESSION I: DORIS network and constellation: status and evolution
Presentation type: Poster
Late 1998, in cooperation with University of the Azores, the DORIS project started a DORIS station in Ponta-Delgada, São Miguel island, Portugal. The location of this DORIS site is very interesting as it is close to the boundary of the African and Eurasian tectonic plates and is co-located with a GNSS receiver and a tide gauge.
This paper will first present the history and the status of the DORIS station in Ponta Delgada. Then, taking account of the successive configurations of the DORIS station, both the orbit and positioning performances will be assessed from the IDS official products.
Back to the list of abstractThis paper will first present the history and the status of the DORIS station in Ponta Delgada. Then, taking account of the successive configurations of the DORIS station, both the orbit and positioning performances will be assessed from the IDS official products.