Abstract's details

Comparison between DPOD2014 and ITRF2020P : impact on the DORIS satellite orbits.

Arnaud Pollet (IGN / IPGP / IMCCE, France)


Samuel Nahmani (IGN / IPGP, France)

Event: 2022 IDS Workshop

Session: IDS processing for ITRF2020 and beyond

Presentation type: Type Oral

Contribution: PDF file


For each new release of ITRF, ACs of each services are asked by the IERS combination center to evaluate it. This poster presents the first results of the impact of ITRF2020P on the orbits of DORIS satellites using GipsyX by the IGN-IPGP AC. We will compare the orbits retrieved by using ITRF2020P with those retrieved by using DPOD2014 and then study the impact of the non linear part of the ITRF2020P in the DORIS data processing.

Oral presentation show times:

Room Start Date End Date
Sala Zorzi Mon, Oct 31 2022,16:45 Mon, Oct 31 2022,17:00
Arnaud Pollet