2024 IDS Workshop Complete Program

2024 IDS Workshop
The International DORIS Service (IDS) : new challenges
DORIS network and constellation: status and evolution
IDS processing and Terrestrial Reference Frame
Precise Orbit Determination and advances in dynamic force and observable modelling
Research activities and new applications using DORIS data, or new methods of processing DORIS data
Wednesday, September 04 2024 - Thursday, September 05 2024
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DORIS network and constellation: status and evolution (Wed, Sep 04 2024, 14:00 - 15:40)

Schedule Room(s) Type Title of the abstract Contribution
Wed, Sep 04 2024,14:00
Thu, Sep 05 2024,18:00
IDS Posters Poster Co-located space geodetic techniques observatory in India: progress toward installation of the IDS scientific station (Kumar et al.)
DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3906
(pdf, 366 kB)
Wed, Sep 04 2024,14:00
Thu, Sep 05 2024,18:00
IDS Posters Poster NASA's CDDIS: 2024 Status Update (Yates et al.)
DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3905
(pdf, 1692 kB)
Wed, Sep 04 2024,
14:05 - 14:20
Rondelet Oral IDS news (Soudarin et al.)
DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3900
(pdf, 481 kB)
Wed, Sep 04 2024,
14:20 - 14:35
Rondelet Oral DORIS System Status in 2024 and Future Prospects (Manfredi et al.)
DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3901
(pdf, 1591 kB)
Wed, Sep 04 2024,
14:35 - 14:50
Rondelet Oral DORIS Network 2024 Status Report (Saunier et al.)
DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3902
(pdf, 2212 kB)
Wed, Sep 04 2024,
14:50 - 15:10
Rondelet Oral Quality assessment of DORIS stations environment based on POD residuals and signal intensity variations (Yaya et al.)
DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3903
(pdf, 3777 kB)
Wed, Sep 04 2024,
15:10 - 15:25
Rondelet Oral DORIS stations co-location: status and results (Saunier et al.)
DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3904
(pdf, 2189 kB)
Wed, Sep 04 2024,
15:25 - 15:40
Rondelet Oral DORIS on Genesis: technical status (Didelot et al.)
DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3911
(pdf, 2699 kB)
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IDS processing and Terrestrial Reference Frame (Wed, Sep 04 2024, 16:10 - 17:50)

Schedule Room(s) Type Title of the abstract Contribution
Wed, Sep 04 2024,
16:10 - 16:30
Rondelet Oral ITRF2020 Updates and the IDS Contribution (Altamimi et al.)
DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3907
(pdf, 849 kB)
Wed, Sep 04 2024,
16:30 - 16:45
Rondelet Oral DTRF2020 update: challenges and first results (Seitz et al.)
DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3908
(pdf, 1240 kB)
Wed, Sep 04 2024,
16:45 - 17:00
Rondelet Oral DORIS evaluation of the first ITRF2020 update (Moreaux et al.)
DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3909
(pdf, 2513 kB)
Wed, Sep 04 2024,
17:00 - 17:15
Rondelet Oral Recent Updates at the GSC DORIS Analysis Center (Lemoine et al.)
DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3910
(pdf, 1629 kB)
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Precise Orbit Determination (Thu, Sep 05 2024, 08:30 - 11:00)

Schedule Room(s) Type Title of the abstract Contribution
Thu, Sep 05 2024,
08:30 - 08:50
Rondelet Oral DORIS processing using FocusPOD (Fernandez et al.)
DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3912
(pdf, 1734 kB)
Thu, Sep 05 2024,
08:50 - 09:10
Rondelet Oral Progress Report and Lessons Learned from Developing a DORIS POD software (Papanikolaou et al.)
DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3913
(pdf, 2469 kB)
Thu, Sep 05 2024,
09:10 - 09:30
Rondelet Oral Improvements in the Precise Orbit Determination using DORIS and laser data for CryoSat-2 (Schrama et al.)
DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3914
(pdf, 1556 kB)
Thu, Sep 05 2024,
09:30 - 09:50
Rondelet Oral Impact of the South-Atlantic Anomaly radiations on DORIS Ultra-Stable Oscillator: resulting effects on DORIS measurements and orbit determination for Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-6A (Gravalon et al.)
DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3915
(pdf, 5444 kB)
Thu, Sep 05 2024,
09:50 - 10:10
Rondelet Oral Precise orbit determination of altimetry satellites using DORIS and SLR observations in different reference frame realisations (Zeitlhöfler et al.)
DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3916
(pdf, 1867 kB)
Thu, Sep 05 2024,
10:10 - 10:30
Rondelet Oral Three Decades of Altimetry Orbits: Consistent DORIS-Based Orbit Series and Validation (Schreiner et al.)
DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3917
(pdf, 3598 kB)
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Research activities and new applications using DORIS data, or new methods of processing DORIS data (Thu, Sep 05 2024, 11:00 - 15:40)

Schedule Room(s) Type Title of the abstract Contribution
Thu, Sep 05 2024,
11:00 - 11:20
Rondelet Oral DSO DORIS Analysis Software Intermediate Outcomes (Tsakiri et al.)
DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3918
(pdf, 570 kB)
Thu, Sep 05 2024,
11:20 - 11:40
Rondelet Oral Evaluating Weighting Strategies in DORIS Measurement Processing for Geodetic Applications (Nahmani et al.)
DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3919
(pdf, 6913 kB)
Thu, Sep 05 2024,
11:40 - 12:00
Rondelet Oral Exploring strategies for an optimal combination of mono-satellite DORIS solutions (Le Bail et al.)
DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3920
(pdf, 4472 kB)
Thu, Sep 05 2024,
12:00 - 12:20
Rondelet Oral Estimation of the Length of Day (LOD) from DORIS observations (Kumar et al.)
DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3921
(pdf, 2224 kB)
Thu, Sep 05 2024,
14:00 - 14:20
Rondelet Oral Evaluation of the ZHD tropospheric modelling with VMF1 on DORIS orbits and station coordinates (Banos Garcia et al.)
DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3922
(pdf, 1179 kB)
Thu, Sep 05 2024,
14:20 - 14:40
Rondelet Oral The cooperative Global Ionospheric Map using Near-Real-Time DORIS Data (Liu et al.)
DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3923
(pdf, 2327 kB)
Thu, Sep 05 2024,
14:40 - 15:00
Rondelet Oral Effect of the second order ionospheric delay on Precise Orbit Determination of DORIS satellites and on the CNES/CLS IDS Analysis Center solution (Mezerette et al.)
DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3924
(pdf, 804 kB)
Thu, Sep 05 2024,
15:00 - 15:20
Rondelet Oral Contribution of DORIS system to global ionospheric scintillation mapping (Cherrier et al.)
DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3925
(pdf, 3108 kB)
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