Abstract's details

DTRF2020: the ITRS 2020 Realization of DGFI-TUM

Manuela Seitz (DGFI-TUM, Germany)

Mathis Bloßfeld (DGFI-TUM, Germany); Matthias Glomsda (DGFI-TUM, Germany); Detlef Angermann (DGFI-TUM, Germany); Sergei Rudenko (DGFI-TUM, Germany); Julian Zeitlhöfler (DGFI-TUM, Germany)

Event: 2022 IDS Workshop

Session: IDS processing for ITRF2020 and beyond

Presentation type: Oral

As one of the three ITRS Combination Centres of the IERS, DGFI-TUM is in charge of computing an ITRS 2020 realization. Compared to the ITRS 2014 realization, the situation regarding the input data has changed significantly as not only the observation periods have increased but also new general and technique-specific models are applied in the analysis. Many model changes have an impact on the realized intrinsic scale of the individual techniques in particular and GNSS now provides an independent scale for the first time. This changes the situation for scale realization and validation significantly. With regard to the combination strategy, post-seismic deformation and all three components of non-tidal loading are considered for the first time in DTRF2020. We will present the strategy and results of the DTRF2020 computation. Results from the analysis of the DORIS data and aspects relevant to DORIS applications will be highlighted.

Contribution: IDS22ITF-DTRF2020__the_ITRS_2020_Realization_of_DGFI-TUM.pdf (pdf, 2116 ko)

Corresponding author:

Manuela Seitz




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