Abstract's details

Development of an in-house DORIS processing software

Xanthos Papanikolaou (Dionysos Satellite Observatory, National Technical University of Athens, Greece)

Vangelis Zacharis (Dionysos Satellite Observatory, National Technical University of Athens, Greece); Myrto Tsichlaki (Dionysos Satellite Observatory, National Technical University of Athens, Greece); Samuel Nahmani (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France); Arnaud Pollet (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France); Maria Tsakiri (Dionysos Satellite Observatory, National Technical University of Athens, Greece); Jordan Galanis (Dionysos Satellite Observatory, National Technical University of Athens, Greece)

Event: 2022 IDS Workshop

Session: Research activities, new applications using DORIS data, new methods of processing DORIS data

Presentation type: Oral

Dedicated DORIS data analysis software is sparse and usually not
open source. In this work, we address the architecture and
implementation details of an ongoing effort to develop an open-source DORIS processing
software, which provides a common platform for DORIS data analysis for
scientific applications, testing of algorithms and educational purposes.

The software aims at providing high quality estimates for parameters of geodetic
interest, including precise orbit determination (POD), starting with a limited
number of DORIS equipped satellites. It is designed in a multi-library, modular
fashion, allowing easy expansion and adoption of enhancements. The core and
computationally intense parts are implemented using the C++ programming language
(standards C++17 and later), while a python utility module will act as a shell,
handling user-interaction and operations of low resource demands.

DORIS RINEX v3.0 will act as the fundamental data file format, thus exploiting all
modernized features of the system, including multi-channel pseudorange and
carrier-phase observations, as well as the more traditional Doppler count approach.
IDS and IERS recommendations and standards are followed, to produce high-quality
estimates. The software will be free and open source when completed thus
supporting the DORIS community.

In this study, the framework that provides the processing blocks will be presented
and preliminary results will be shown.

Contribution: IDS22RES-Development_of_an_in-house_DORIS_processing_software.pdf (pdf, 441 ko)

Corresponding author:

Xanthos Papanikolaou

Dionysos Satellite Observatory, National Technical University of Athens



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