Abstract's details

Combination of DORIS beacon measurement parameters in CNES POE-F orbit solutions

John MOYARD (CNES, France)

Flavien MERCIER (CNES, France); Alexandre COUHERT (CNES, France)

Event: 2022 IDS Workshop

Session: Precise orbit modeling and Precise Orbit Determination

Presentation type: Oral

The current CNES POE-F DORIS-based orbit solutions combine the adjustment of tropospheric delay corrections and frequency biases/drifts per satellite pass, as well as station heights and horizontal tropospheric gradients per orbit arc, for each beacon. Estimating this full set of parameters can be prone to correlation issues and thus result in the absorption of dynamic and measurement modeling errors. Yet, when two or more satellites fly with a relative proximity, all of these coefficients can benefit from a common adjustment procedure in order to increase their observability.
This paper focuses on such satellite configurations and presents the results obtained in two independent studies: The first one was performed in the context of ESA's Next-Generation Gravity Mission (NGGM) concepts and consisting of two pairs of satellites. For this purpose, the DORIS measurements of the Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-3B altimeter missions were considered. The second study used the DORIS data of the reference Jason3 and Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich altimetry satellites during their tandem phase. The gain in observability brought by these specific configurations is analyzed for the station parameters but also in terms of orbit accuracy.

Contribution: IDS22POD-Combination_of_DORIS_beacon_measurement_parameters_in_CNES_POE-F_orbit_solutions.pdf (pdf, 398 ko)

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