Welcome on Aviso+ Meetings website for IDS.
This interface has been created for abstracts submission and/or registration to specific events listed below.
IDS Workshop, Venice, Italy: October 31 - November 2, 2022 (postponement of IDS Workshop 2021)

The 2022 IDS Workshop will occur from October 31 to November 2, 2022 (postponement of IDS Workshop 2021), in conjunction with OSTST 2022. This is a meeting for all those who analyse DORIS data, use products derived from DORIS data, or who are involved with the DORIS network. The meeting will highlight current developments and the status of scientific results that use DORIS data, and will provide a platform for discussion and coordination for future activities.
The program can be dowloaded here
Please contact the IDS Central Bureau if you have any questions.
Live presentations and also available on a Q/A forum
The sessions will include oral presentations and posters. A forum will be set up where all the abstracts and presentations will be uploaded and made available.
The forum will be the platform for the meeting registrants(*) to post questions and interact with the authors who will answer these questions.
(*) people already having an account on one of the subsites of "Meetings by Aviso+" (IDS Workshop (this site), OSTST, CFOSAT ST, SWOT ST, IDS AWG, DORIS Days 2021), or previously registered on
Upload contribution
Dear authors, you can upload your contribution and even modifiy it later or during the Workshop through your account (menu MANAGE ABSTRACT -> YOUR ABSTRACTS - UPLOAD CONTRIBUTIONS).
Note that all presentations are requested to be provided in pdf format the week before the Workshop to be put on the forum.
Participation to the Forum
The forum will be open for the duration of the workshop and the following week.
If you want to participate to the forum to post questions and interact with the authors, you need an account on this web site (click on "Subscribe" if not already registered) even if you don't want to submit a contribution.
Scientific Committee:
Chair: Frank Lemoine (NASA/GSFC, USA)
Committee members:
- Petr Štěpánek (GOP, Czech Republic)
- Hugues Capdeville (CLS, France)
- Pierre Exertier (Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées, France)
- Karine Le Bail (Chalmers University, Sweden)
- Mathis Bloßfeld (DGFI, Technical University of Munich, Germany)