Abstract's details

DORIS rinex procesing at the european space operations cenre

Michiel Otten (ESA/ESOC, Germany)

Werner Enderle (ESA/ESOC, Germany)

Event: 2016 IDS Workshop

Session: Precise Orbit Determination and clock

Presentation type: Oral

This presentation will show the first results of the European Space Operation Centre (ESOC) IDS solution that makes use of the DORIS RINEX files for the newer satellites. We will show the impact on our IDS solution when switching from the old DORIS format to the new RINEX files for the older missions like Jason-2 as well show the results of the first solution which is completely based on DORIS RINEX files.

With the switch to the DORIS RINEX files the new ESA solution will also for the first time include both Sentinel-3A and Jason-3 we will also show the impact these new satellites have on the ESA solution.

Further we will also give an overview of the changes that have been made to our processing software (NAPEOS) and our satellite modeling since the previous IDS workshop in 2014.

Corresponding author:

Michiel Otten




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