Abstract's details
Use of DORIS RINEX Doppler measurement with the GINS software
Event: 2014 IDS Workshop
Session: Precise orbit modeling and Precise Orbit Determination
Presentation type: Oral
Since the launch of the new generation DGXX DORIS receiver, the DORIS measurements are available in DORIS RINEX format, an extension of RINEX 3.0 format. The measurement quantities in this format are a precise, but ambiguous, phase measurement as well as a pseudo-range measurement, synchronous on both frequencies, thus similar in many respects to a GNSS measurement. The DORIS measurements are also still provided in the former Doppler-type DORIS 2.2 format. Four satellites carry today the DGXX receiver: Jason-2, Cryosat-2, HY-2A and Saral. In this study, we compare the use of the two new types of measurement. We consider 2 cases: DORIS 2.2 Doppler measurement and DORIS RINEX phase measurement converted to Doppler by differentiating consecutive measurements. Assessments are performed on orbit and positioning comparisons.
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