Abstract's details

Status DORIS RINEX processing at GSFC

Nikita Zelensky (SGT / GSFC, United States)

Frank G. Lemoine (NASA / GSFC, USA); David D. Rowlands (NASA / GSFC, United States); Douglas S. Chinn (SGT / GSFC, United States); Brian D. Beckley (SGT / GSFC, United States)

Event: 2016 IDS Workshop

Session: Precise Orbit Determination and clock

Presentation type: Oral

We have implemented the use of DORIS RINEX phase data in the GSFC GEODYN data processing system by constructing range-rate measurements, and have processed such tracking data from the Jason-2, Jason-3, SARAL, and Cryosat-2 satellites. We evaluate DORIS POD for these missions using the new RINEX measurements. We also investigate improved RINEX corrections of the Jason-2 USO frequency made possible through the onboard T2L2 instrument with a preliminary analysis using the products described by Belli et al. (2015).

Corresponding author:

Nikita Zelensky


United States


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