Abstract's details
Review of IDS contribution to ITRF2014
Event: 2016 IDS Workshop
Session: IDS processing for and with ITRF2014
Presentation type: Oral
The IDS contribution to the ITRF2014 is a combined time series of weekly station
positions and daily Polar Motion coordinates, spanning the period 1993.0 - 2015.0.
In this paper we review the main DORIS results of the ITRF2014 analysis, including
some inter-comparisons of station seasonal signals between DORIS and other techniques
at co-location sites.
Back to the list of abstractpositions and daily Polar Motion coordinates, spanning the period 1993.0 - 2015.0.
In this paper we review the main DORIS results of the ITRF2014 analysis, including
some inter-comparisons of station seasonal signals between DORIS and other techniques
at co-location sites.