Abstract's details
NASA CDDIS: Important Changes to User Access
Event: 2018 IDS Workshop
Session: SESSION I: DORIS network and constellation: status and evolution
Presentation type: Poster
The Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS) supports data archiving and distribution activities for the space geodesy and geodynamics community. The main objectives of the system are to make space geodesy and geodynamics related data and derived products available in a central archive, to maintain information about the archival of these data, to disseminate these data and information in a timely manner to a global scientific research community, and to provide user based tools for the exploration and use of the archive. Since its inception, the user community has utilized anonymous ftp for accessing and downloading files from the CDDIS archive. Although this protocol allows users to easily automate file downloads, many organizations, data systems, and users have already migrated from ftp or are actively pursuing a move away from the protocol due to problems from a system and security standpoint. Furthermore, U.S. Government agencies have become increasingly concerned about this legacy protocol and ensuring data integrity for the user community have begun recently to disallow the use of the ftp protocol. The CDDIS, operated by NASA GSFC, must therefore address these concerns and provide alternative methods for access to its archive for continued easy and automated download of its contents. This poster will discuss the upcoming changes at CDDIS and provide examples on transitioning from anonymous ftp.
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