Abstract's details

An Atlantic Network of Geodynamic and Space Stations (project RAEGE)

Susana Garcia-Espada (Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGE), RAEGE Santa Maria, Portugal)

Ruben Bolano Gonzalez (Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGE), RAEGE Santa Maria, Portugal); Luis R. Santos (RAEGE Santa Maria, Portugal); Sara V. Pavão (RAEGE Santa Maria, Portugal); Pablo de Vicente (Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGE), Spain); José Antonio López Fernández (Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGE), Spain)

Event: 2018 IDS Workshop

Session: SESSION I: DORIS network and constellation: status and evolution

Presentation type: Poster

The Atlantic Network of Geodynamic and Space Stations (RAEGE) is a project developed by the National Geographic Institute of Spain (IGN) and the Regional Government of Azores (Portugal). It consists of the deployment of four stations in which coexist several geodetic techniques. Each station is equipped with a 13-m diameter radio telescope of VGOS technology (fast switching and broadband receivers), a GNSS receiver, a superconducting gravimeter, with the possibility to also incorporate other systems such as SLR, DORIS, etc.
Currently two stations are operational: first one in Yebes Observatory (Guadalajara, Spain), which has already achieved the VLBI broadband first results, and since beginning of 2018 the Santa Maria station (Santa Maria island, Azores) is fully operational using a tri-band receiver. The station in Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain) is under construction (full operation expected in 2019), and for the Flores station (Flores island, Azores), the site has been already chosen and during 2018 the project will be developed (expected to start building the new site during 2019).
In this poster the project and first results will be presented in detail. We will discuss its impact on the creation of a Global Geodetic Observing System of the Earth (GGOS).

Corresponding author:

Susana Garcia-Espada

Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGE), RAEGE Santa Maria



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