Abstract's details

IDS ITRF2013 activities at the European Space Operation Centre

Michiel Otten (ESA/ESOC, Germany)

Werner Enderle (ESA/ESOC, Germany)

Event: 2014 IDS Workshop

Session: IDS processing for ITRF2013

Presentation type: Oral

The IDS activities in 2013 and 2014 of the European Space Operation Centre focused on the generation of the ESA IDS contribution to ITRF2013. As a result of various tests performed throughout the last two years we have generated a new ESA IDS solution (esawd10). This solutions contains several major improvements compared to our old routine solution (esawd07). This new solution covers the entire IDS processing period from 1993 onwards and has become also the new ESA routine solution to the IDS.

This presentation will give a summary of the activities ESOC has performed for ITRF2013 and will focus on the main improvements ESOC has made to its IDS processing as part of the ITRF2013 submission. Further we will also look at some of the potential improvements that we can still make to our IDS processing activities.

Corresponding author:

Michiel Otten




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